The Winter Bowling season at Halifax Bowling Club has finished after a season dominated by the weather.
The heavy rain through the season made the greens quite heavy and wet, but they remained in a good condition.
After thirteen games the season has now finished.
The winners of Division 1 were Libbers with 254 points from 13 games played. Fiery Jacks finished in the runners up position with 248 points.
David Barnes ( Rabbits Revenge) took the individual average prize with an average of plus 7.54.
The relegated teams were The Crest and Unbelievabowl.
The winners of Division 2 were Simply the Best ;after being relegated last season they have made an immediate return.
They accumulated an impressive 282 points from 13 games played. New team, Peak Performance took the runners up spot with 260 points. The individual average winner was Peak Performance’s Peter Krenc with plus 11.31.
The club would like to thank members of the club who helped with the catering through the season.
Ray Clegg, the Club President wished all the winter bowlers a successful summer season and looked forward to seeing everyone next OctoberÂ